Семинар Миккела Л. по опыту организации малых групп по шагам ВДА за 44 недели в Дании.
Спикер: Миккел Л. (Дания), член Интергруппы Дании, член Европейского комитета ВСО ВДА, 6 лет в ВДА.
8-я Большая Встреча ВДА в Москве 5 октября 2019 года
Скачать аудиозапись в mp3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Jij05dd350Unfl98psY5IykUB6jp2ckR
Материалы семинара на русском, переведённые РКО:
Скачать презентацию и текст выступления Миккела по организации МГ по шагам ВДА за 44 недели в Дании (pdf на английском): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1moR87dKW3K-0oR8BHS6WF1idCYmQ94Wc
Скачать примерное расписание собраний и тем МГ по шагам ВДА на 44 недели (pdf на английском): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FpX4wCswy1uaxVxA7vjVvqCTknbdGKUh
Скачать пример текста ведения собрания МГ (pdf на английском):
Доступ ко всей папке с 4-я файлами сразу: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WVJaGuNiS6SMlgpK-RjKK6_cOU9sZtAT
Это основной формат организации малых групп для работы по шагам ВДА в Дании с опытными ведущими-фасилитаторами, по нему работают уже 20 лет в целом и несколько лет по Жёлтой тетради ВДА в частности.
Вот ещё Майбрит из Дании написала чуть подробнее о том же несколько лет назад, как они тогда за 36 недель шаги по ЖТ проходили:
"What we did was we placed a description of the workshop in different places, libraries, High schools senior year and so on, we also told AA, NA in our city and ACA meetings in nearby cities. We had around 28 people coming in, newcomers, people from other fellowships, members from ACA. we met every Tuesday, for 36 weeks taking into account holidays and vacation. The First 4 meetings were open to anyone, then we closed the meeting and formed family groups making sure that at least one person knew about our ACA-program in each "family". Of course there were difference of opinion, Those were solved by abiding by our traditions, cross talk, and loving reparenting. My own experience is that in between sponsors this workshop kept me working on the steps always discovering new things. But it is my strong belief that the relationship I have with my sponsor I could not get in a family group. But a workshop was a perfect introduction to many, because they got to know to feel safe and how to share, break the silence of loyalty towards their family of origin. It kept me afloat while looking for the sponsor I needed. But I was privileged to get a sponsor. I know that in some areas there are none, so to me a workshop by the YWB is the next best thing. The Members leading the workshop aught to know the traditions, have completed the steps, understand the value of the program, and not to cross talk or give advice, and how to carry the message from a place of love as a loving parent asking questions. Starting the meetings and closing the meetings. Many went for coffee afterwards and kept in contact working the steps during the week, like homework. It was a good learning experience."
Хассе из Дании поделился 3 года назад, что у них в основном меньше чем за год проходят шаги в малых группах по ЖТ (40-60 недель). Причем, организуют и ведут МГ уже опытные ВДАшки, обычно мужчина и женщина.
"I started in ACA about 10 years ago doing the Friend in Recovery Workbook in a workshop, we took 12 months to do it. Working in family groups of 3-7 people. Along the way I got my first sponsor, whom I also shared with about the workshop and other stuff. A couple of years after I did the Yellow Workbook also in a workshop in 10 months.
In Denmark about 40 to 60 weeks is a normal timeframe for a YWB workshop. I did the work simultaneuosly with my new sponsor. I would recommend that, but it's not nessesary. Almost everyone uses the YWB and BRB in Denmark today. Since I have been a workshop "mentor" in a YWB workshop that took a year. From what I have heard at the ABC and at US meetings, they do the YWB on different timeframes in the US. 20 weeks is fast by any standards - also US. But the YWB can be done in 16-20 weeks, for me personally that would be to fast.
In Denmark we take about 10-12 months, and that seem to work very well. ACA's who are interested in starting a workshop put it up on the Danish webpage seeking mentors and participants. Normally 30-40 people respond. We call them the "big (workshop)group". Most often the workshop meets once a week for 2 hours. The first time the workshop meets, the two mentors, normally a man and a woman, divide the big group of maybe 20-40 people in to smaller, "family groups" of 3-7 people who will be working together.
The two weekly workshop hours could look something like this:
Start: 20 min in the big group. Intro, reading traditions and steps etc. Everyone gets to say how they feel about being in the workshop today.
Middle: 70 min in the small family group working the current step in the YWB. You read your answers from your homework in the YWB and share with your family group.
Finish: 30 min in the big group, sharing about the work with the current step + ACA promises etc."
Мальчик - отец мужчины